Delavnica Čuječnosti
Z dihanjem in čuječnostjo do osredotočenih in zadovoljnih otrok.
Embracing Neurodiversity
Our mindfulness techniques are especially beneficial for neurodiverse kids, also they will learn how to actively relax and cope with the world around them.
Compatible with Different Therapies
Helps parents and therapists to redirect unwanted behaviour.
Use it in therapy
Compatible with ABA, Occupational, Mortor Skills and Speech Therapy
Kids from 3 to 7 y.o
Including kids on the autism spectrum, or with Anxiety, ADHD and Dyslexia
Prooven to work
Helps children, parents and
therapists at the same time.
Join Our Community
We offer ongoing support for neurodiverse kids and parents to implement mindfulness tools into your family dynamic.
We offer you an opportunity to make a significant impact on your child’s life. Learn more in one of our seminars and webinars.
Pre-order Forest Circus mindfulness Book
Forest Circus comes in printed version too! Masterfully written and illustrated, this book can easily become one of your child’s favorite! Help your child learn about gaining confidence with simple breathing exercises.
Pre-order Forest Circus mindfulness Book
Forest Circus comes in printed version too! Masterfully written and illustrated, this book can easily become one of your child’s favorite! Help your child learn about gaining confidence with simple breathing exercises.
Vstopnica za Delavnico za celo Družino
60,00 €
Naučite otroke upravljati s svojo pozornostjo in čustvi preko igre. Podarite jim neprecenljive tehnike, ki bodo koristne celo življenje.
- Vse, kar morete vedeti o dihanju
- Budistične meditacijske tehnike iz Tajske
- Neverjetna moč aromaterapije
- Moč dotika, masaže, kristalov, tapkanja in afirmacij
- Kako se pomiriti ko smo jezni ali žalostni
- Kako premagati glavobol in druge bolečine
- Kako vzljubiti pouk in bolje brati, pisati naloge
- Kako nastopati in premagati tremo
*Posebej priporočljivo za otroke na spektru Hiperaktivnosti, Avtizma in Disleksije
Mindfulness leads to Focus and Focus leads to Success
The sooner the better. We believe that kids should harness the power of aware breathing before they step into puberty. Why not try it out? It could change your child’s life.
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